MD4 Excellence Award
If you know a Lion in good standing who has shown great leadership ability and demonstrates that ability in thought and deed; who has exhibited leadership by taking initiative with projects from their club and district; who has demonstrated dedication to the Lions organization and served as a role model for all Lions, they may be considered for MD4 Excellence Award. Consideration for nomination must be given to lifetime achievements of the candidate as well as to the candidate’s Lionistic attitude. Send your submissions to the District Cabinet. This is a once in a Lifetime award. Good Luck!
MD4 Excellence Awards: MD4 Excellence Awards are on page 94 of the current MD4 directory.
- Two awards for each district up to 1200
- Three awards for each district with over 1200 to 2000 members.
- Four awards for each district with over 2000 members as recording on December 31 this year.
These need to be sent to Cass Cara by the end of the calendar year to have time to prepare them for the following COG. Lions can only receive this once in their lifetime. The district cabinet will review all nominations and select the recipient(s) at a regularly scheduled meeting of the cabinet. The selection shall require a majority of votes cast of the cabinet members present. The form is for your convenience, you do not have to follow verbatim. A short essay will do. Your choice.