2024 Peace Poster and Essay Theme
"Dare to Dream"
2023-2024 Contest
PPK1EN $11.95 Click here for website Kits are sold from January 15th through October 1st. Orders received after October 1st will be filled based on availability.
Peace Poster 2023-2024 Contest Kit, “Dare to Dream". Each kit contains all the materials needed to sponsor the contest in a school or youth group, including complete rules, promotional material and recognition certificates for participants. One kit is needed for each entry sponsored. Kits are available in all eleven languages. Kits are sold from January 15th through October 1st. Orders received after October 1st will be filled based on availability.
The 2023-2024 Contest
Awards and recognition will be presented at the MD4 Convention
Lions have provided an important reminder to the world that, through service, we can give and receive so much—joy, kindness, hope and PEACE. This year, young people have the opportunity to express their visions of peace through the lens of service.
Theme: "Dare to Dream"
Peace Poster Contest Deadlines
Students ages 11, 12 or 13 as of November 15, 2023 are eligible to participate in the International Peace Poster Contest. Entries not meeting the following deadlines will be disqualified.
- January 15: Kits go on sale from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.
- October 1: Deadline to purchase kits from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.
- November 15: Postmark deadline for a club to send one winning poster (per contest sponsored) to the district governor.
- December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor to send one winning district poster to Lion, Diane Quinlan at 9206 La Paloma Ave, Fountain Valley, CA 92708.
- December 15: Postmark deadline for Multiple District 4 to send one winning poster to the Public Relations Department at International Headquarters.
- February 1: International winners notified on or before this date.
- MD-4 Peace Poster 2023-2024 Winner will receive a monetary prize of $500.00 and a plaque; then move onto the International Contest.
- 2 Honorable Mentions will receive a prize of $250.00 and a certificate of achievement.
- Peace Essay, for the visually impaired, Winner will receive a monetary prize of $250.00 and a trophy.
- All to be presented at the MD-4 Convention, Riverside, California, February 2024.
- The poster that is advanced to the Lions Clubs International Contest has the opportunity to the following:
- International Grand Prize Winner receives a trip to an award ceremony where he or she will receive $5000 and an award. Two Family members (one being the winner's parent or legal guardian) and the sponsoring Lions Club president or a club members (as designated by club president) are invited to accompany the winner to the award ceremony.
- 23 Merit Award Winners will each receive $500 and a certificate of achievement.
Contest Rules and Conditions
Entries not meeting the rules and conditions listed below will be disqualified:
- The contest's theme is "Dare to Dream".
- Only a Lions club can sponsor the contest in a local school or organized, sponsored youth group, such as YMCA programs, Boys & Girls Clubs, Scouts, etc. NOTE: The contest cannot be held in youth groups that a Lions club sponsors, such a a Leo Club or Scout unit. However, individual members of those groups (such as Leos or Scouts) may participate if the contest is held at their schools or other organized youth groups.
- The contest is open students who will be 11, 12 or 13 years of age on November 15, 2023.
- Artwork must be no smaller than 13 inches by 20 inches (33 centimeters by 50 centimeters) and no larger than 20 inches by 24 inches (50 centimeters by 60 centimeters). Do not mat or frame artwork.
- only one entry per student per year, and each entry must be the work of only one student.
- All artwork must be the individual student's original creation. Duplications are not accepted. All media are accepted. Note: Chalk, charcoal and pastel entries should be sealed with a fixative spray to prevent smearing. Do not laminate entries.
- Three-dimensional entries will not be accepted. Nothing may be glued, stapled or attached to the artwork any way.
- The use of lettering or numbering not eh front of the poster, in a ny language, is not allowed. All artist signatures or initials should be written on the back of the poster.
- Artwork should be done on a flexible material so it can be rolled for shipping in a mailing tube. Do not fold poster.
Promote Your Contest Winner
- Send a photograph of the contes winner and his or her poster with a press release tot he editor/reporter of the features on community section of your local newspaper(s). Be sure to photograph the poster before advancing it to the next judging level. Keep a photograph for the club and student's records.
- Post the winner's information on the club's Facebook page and on other social media. #peaceposter
- If your club or school is hosting a special award ceremony for the winner, work with your school contacts to invite you local media to attend.
- Make arrangements to exhibit the local contest entries in a public library, community center or other public area.
- Update the media and your social sites if your club's entry advances to the multiple district or international judging levels.
2022 Winning Peace Essay
Emerson from 4-C6, sponsored by the San Jose Almaden Super Lions Club
This was a close contest, but the winner was chosen mostly because her quality of thought and focus on creating a single message seemed stronger than the others.
2022 Poster Winner
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention
Peace Posters
4- L3