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Multiple District 4 California Lions

Global Service Team

Global Service Team (GST)
Multiple District Coordinator 2022-2023

Lion Susan Gall


Lion Susan Gall is a Centennial Lion and has served the Lions of MD4 since joining.  She served as Spouse/Partner Coordinator in 2019-2020 and served as Area GST Coordinator before taking over as MD4 GST Coordinator.  She has served at the District level as Zone Chair, District GST Coordinator and Cabinet Secretary.

Global Service Team Members (GST) Multiple District 

Jeri Wartena







    Margaret Dunlevy, PDG
Lion Margaret has been a Lion since 2001. She is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, a two-time All-Fellows for District 4 Student Speakers Foundation, Life Member of Lions Project for Canine Companions, and  a Life Member of Lions Camps at Teresita Pines.


    Kathy McCracken

Lion Kathy was Inducted into Rialto Host Lions Club in 2015. Held the club positions of President, Secretary and has received 100% Secretary and Secretary of the Year, GST and currently Treasurer. Additionally, GST for club and District 4-L5 and has been a District Treasurer. Lion Kathy is a Melvin Jones Fellow, and was award District 4-L5 Lion of the Year.

She loves being GST so much that is she is MD4's Area 3 GST.